I made this program as easy to use as possible. Change the startup cash and maximum cash for freeform mode to up to 2 billion+ dollars. Change the maximum guests allowed in a zoo. Edit the boot path so you can add your own mod folders. Sound Options like volume, and menu volume, as well as actually allowing you to change the theme song. Video options like updaterate for smoother graphics. Also, if you choose windowed mode, it only shows you the screensizes that will work with windowed mode. The zookini program looks at your windows video options, decides which screensizes that are available are ok to use with zoo tycoon, and then puts them in a dropdown list for you to select. The first thing is that you can set the screensize to other sizes than the 3 that are available in game, including widescreen options for modern monitors. The reason I made this program is because there are some very cool things you can do with the zoo.ini that you cannot do in the game option screen inside the game. Put zookini in it's own folder anywhere on your hard drive. What zookini does is it edits the zoo.ini file, which is a file that zoo tycoon 1 reads at load time, and where it stores many of your game settings, including the video and sound options.
Zookini is a launcher program for zoo tycoon 1.